Spelk Basketry



I am one of the UK’s last remaining ‘swillers’, a specialist in weaving baskets using coppiced oak and hazel. Using simple hand tools and ancient techniques, I create baskets based on the traditional patterns from the South Cumbrian region as well as patterns found on my travels.

In 2017 oak swill basketry was listed as a Critically Endangered Craft in the Radcliffe Red List of Endangered Crafts and hazel basketry was newly listed as Critically Endangered in the 2021 update.

From a workshop tucked away in the Cumbrian woods I weave traditional baskets known as spelk baskets, swill baskets or spale baskets. I cut and prepare the wood by hand, seeing the whole process through from the tree to the finished product, coppicing the woodland to create a truly renewable resource and improving biodiversity.


About Me

 Shop baskets

I teach basketry and greenwood skills in workshop and woodland venues in the Rusland Valley, Cumbria. I can also travel to teach if you have a suitable venue and a group ready. 

Wood Water Weave is my unique programme in split wood basketry. Learn hazel, oak, ash & chestnut basketry over 10 months and become part of this wonderful community.

I’m working on developing more paths for you to learn spelk basketry, including online tutorial and basketweaving patterns that will be available to buy or download. Watch this space.

If you want to help support me to make these resources you can buy me a coffee


Learn to Weave

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 Thanks for the basket Lorna, we got it in the post yesterday. We bought it to use for laundry but its so gorgeous to look at that we've hung it on the wall where we can admire it!

22" Oak Spelk Basket
