Oak Swill Basket-Making in the Lake District
This book was written by Mary Ullrich (nee Barratt) who learnt to make swill baskets from George Coward. He was reluctant for a while because “it isn’t women’s work” but after repeated requests from Mary he agreed to show her once. Needless to say he was very quick and Mary had to be quick to photograph his hands for reference. The photographs in this book are the result of that one demonstration.
The book is out of print but Mary has some last copies available.
Mary made baskets for years, often with Stella Kenyon who in Wray, Lancashire. A couple of years ago I had a go at steaming hazel to rive it and, despite not doing it for about 30 years, Mary rived like a pro.
Please note that these books are new/unused but were published in 1983 so may look a little old.
International shipping
The price for the booklet including international postage is £28 and payment by Paypal.
You can use this link https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/lornasingleton/28
Please make sure the currency is GBP and send me an email with your address. Thanks!
Oak Swill Basket-Making in the Lake District
This book was written by Mary Ullrich (nee Barratt) who learnt to make swill baskets from George Coward. He was reluctant for a while because “it isn’t women’s work” but after repeated requests from Mary he agreed to show her once. Needless to say he was very quick and Mary had to be quick to photograph his hands for reference. The photographs in this book are the result of that one demonstration.
The book is out of print but Mary has some last copies available.
Mary made baskets for years, often with Stella Kenyon who in Wray, Lancashire. A couple of years ago I had a go at steaming hazel to rive it and, despite not doing it for about 30 years, Mary rived like a pro.
Please note that these books are new/unused but were published in 1983 so may look a little old.
International shipping
The price for the booklet including international postage is £28 and payment by Paypal.
You can use this link https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/lornasingleton/28
Please make sure the currency is GBP and send me an email with your address. Thanks!
Please allow 7-days for delivery.