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In my opinion this is the best basketry book available, especially if your interest is in split wood baskets.
Maurice traveled the world with his work and collected baskets while he did. He captured people making and using baskets in a way that isn’t easy to find in today’s world. This book is full of photographs, information & inspiration.
If I’m ever stuck to know what to make next, or how to solve a design problem, I sit down with this book and a cup of tea and the ideas soon start flowing.
Price includes UK shipping.
In my opinion this is the best basketry book available, especially if your interest is in split wood baskets.
Maurice traveled the world with his work and collected baskets while he did. He captured people making and using baskets in a way that isn’t easy to find in today’s world. This book is full of photographs, information & inspiration.
If I’m ever stuck to know what to make next, or how to solve a design problem, I sit down with this book and a cup of tea and the ideas soon start flowing.
Price includes UK shipping.
Please allow 7-days for delivery.